Lawn People Property Services

  • Fertilization & Weed Control

    Our Fertilization and Weed Control Programs help your grass maintain its lush texture and rich green color. We make your lawn healthier and eliminate weeds. A lawn that is properly maintained will also help the prevention of diseases and pest infestations. We have tailored program for your individual yard

  • Fire Ant Treatment

    Lawn People's best in-class Fire Ant Treatment plans get rid of fire ants and other pests like ticks and fleas—fast! Now is the time for an annual top-choice treatment. We warranty the effectiveness of our fire ant treatments for an entire year from your application date!

  • Liquid Aeration

    Lawn People believe Liquid Aeration is far more effective than traditional core aeration that can only cover 20% of the lawn surface, and can damage expensive irrigation equipment. Liquid aeration covers the full surface of the lawn, and provides vital nutrients like air, water and fertilizer to enter deep into the soil. The overall health of your lawn is closely tied to the quality and condition of your soil. Aerating can be a critical step to improving, restoring, and maintaining a pristine home landscape.You will see the difference!

  • Lawn Topdressing

    Lawn Topdressing adds nutrients to the soil, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also improves the soil’s ability to hold these nutrients and water. You will have greener, and healthier grass.

Now Offering Grass Painting!



Winter lawn brown and got you down? We can fix that with our new service: Grass Painting!

This is a great way to have a beautiful lawn all year long without breaking the bank.